My Daily Journal Prompts to Manifest Anything

Source: @cgdlondon

PSA: Journaling is one of the most effective and simple tools we have access to to not only change our current energetic state and transform the way we feel, but to manifest anything and everything we want out of life. Putting a pen to paper makes anything real. The coolest part about journaling is that our subconscious knows exactly what we are meant for in this life, and exactly how we get it. Following these journal prompts below allow us to tap into the subconscious (so don’t overthink and allow yourself to free write organically, allowing whatever comes out). These are the 5 prompts I switch between every day:

  1. “Future You” Journaling

    This means journaling as if you already were living your dream life in present tense, like a diary entry describing your highest self or best life as if you were in the present moment. I use this a lot by describing my day, waking up in my dream house, going through my morning routine, etc., but I also use this before podcast interviews, leading workshops, etc. (essentially any time I need to focus and actually show up as my highest self)–I journal about the experience as if I am already living it (i.e. “I am so confident and in the flow, I make the guest feel at ease”).

  2. Gratitude Journaling

    While you may not think of gratitude as focused on manifesting your future goals, you cannot manifest unless you are living from a place of gratitude in the present. The elevated feeling of gratitude in itself changes your vibrational frequency so that you’re open to attracting, and gratitude for what we have is what energetically tells the universe to give us more of that. You can try this by just making lists of things you’re grateful for that day, or writing about gratitude for the things you want more of (the success in your career so far, abundance and financial freedom, a fulfilling relationship you want to get deeper with, etc.)

  3. More/Less Lists

    If you’re less of a writer and much prefer bullet journaling (or even just as a check-in in addition to your journaling practice), more/less lists give you an insight into the action steps required to get to your future self. It is as simple as it sounds: give yourself five minutes and allow your mind to freely flow making a list of what you need to do more of (meditating, practicing gratitude, getting outside, etc.) and what you need to do less of (scrolling through TikTok, judging your partner, etc.). The key though is to put these items on the list into action.

  4. “Highest Self” Journaling

    I like to do this type of journaling in group settings with my workshops and small group programs because it can be extremely powerful to start your manifestation practice, and give you insight into action steps to get you there. You’re basically journaling characteristics about your highest self, as well as her habits (what are her personality traits, what does she eat for breakfast, what does she wear, etc.). The more detailed the better. The coolest part is that once you tap into your subconscious to see who your highest self is, you can start showing up as her with the habits you can start doing right now, which will then attract the other factors of your dream life.

  5. Create Your Day

    This is an exercise I got from the amazing Dr. Joe Dispenza (if you don’t know him, you need his books). The goal is to do this exercise first thing in the morning, but you can also do it at night for the next day, or if you need a refresher on the rest of your day at any point. The idea is to consciously create your day how you want it to happen and go through your day writing how you want it to go as if you are mentally watching a movie of your day. You can include brief notes and a schedule, as well as wishes, dreams, or whatever comes to you. Read more about it here.

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