The Science of Manifestation
Source: @sarashakeel
You know I love manifestation–I live for it, obsess over it, and dedicate as much mental space as possible on becoming my truest, best self. But manifestation often gets misunderstood or misinterpreted, Yes, I believe in the Universe having your back and all of that, but the principles of manifestation doesn’t have to include spiritual-based attraction if that’s not your thing. In fact, there’s a lot of modern studies and science behind the ideology. (Dr. Joe Dispenza is one of my favorite resources on how neuroscience and quantum physics explain manifesting desires into reality if you’re interested in diving deep.) I wanted an expert to give a brief overview to explain turning thoughts into things in a way you probably haven’t heard on Manifestation Tok. Enter: Kathleen Cameron. Cameron is a success and manifestation coach who has helped over 100,000 people attract more love, money, and success into their lives. Her story is pretty phenomenal and her advice and insight is even better. Read on to learn about the science behind manifestation, according to Cameron.
“The science behind manifestation is simple: it’s rooted in physics. If we think of what we are made up of, we’re made up of energy which is atoms, and atoms are always in motion and vibrating. So the Law of Polarity to degrees that everything is always in motion and energy is always moving–like attracts like, negative attracts negative. There is a polar opposite to each. When we think about our world and manifestation, we understand that the vibration in which we are vibrating or the emotion we are holding has a point of attraction, so it literally draws more of the same to us. That's why a feeling of gratitude and why gratitude practices are so important: if you’re grateful, you attract more things that are in harmony with gratitude, and more things to be grateful for. Whereas if you’re upset, angry, or negative, you’re going to attract that into your life because you’re a vibrational match.
The energy and the vibration that we’re in are controlled by our MIND. This becomes the intellectual or the psychological part of manifestation in controlling your thinking. It’s about reprogramming your subconscious mind, which is actually a very intellectual process that we do on a conscious level. There are tons of modalities to help you reprogram a subconscious mind - and this is why we do it.
Tips & tricks are for people to become aware of the energy that they are in: Pay attention to what your response is when someone asks, “Hey, how are you?” or “How are you doing today?” The first thing you say is describing the vibration or energy that you’re holding in at that moment. If you say, “I’m tired, I’m stressed, I’m bored, etc.” You’re describing it so that’s your first clue to how you’re doing. Not many people say, “I’m amazing, fantastic, etc.” But that’s where we want to get to. It’s not about making or changing our world to make it right, but to have the right thinking about our world; to see the good and harvest the good and forget the rest!”
cycle syncing while adapting to the season