The Glowy Summer Skin Grocery List

Spring is for planting seeds and detoxifying from the winter, and summer means beauty and radiance are in full bloom (thank god it's also the season we happen to be in bikinis). Summer sun brings more energy than any other time of year, so this is the season to feel like your most abundant, beautiful self. Who needs sticky foundation that melts off your face when the seasonal produce is this beautifying? Below is my comprehensive grocery list, full of everything you could ever need for your best skin ever.

  • Apricot: great digestive aids and contain a lot of beta-carotene for beautiful skin

  • Blueberries: powerful anti-aging properties

  • Watermelon: boosts skin hydration and protects against UV damage

  • Red pepper: extremely helpful in collagen production and gives you firm, elastic skin.

  • Cherries: a powerful anti-inflammatory food that contains melatonin to help you catch your beauty rest

  • Cucumber: boosts skin moisture and elasticity

  • Papaya: protects skin against sun damage, promotes healthy digestion, and boosts glow

  • Cantaloupe: one of the few foods that contain a high potency of superoxide dismutase, AKA an enzyme that supports cell health (better cell turnover in the skin)

  • Peach: loaded with vitamin C and beta-carotene to increase collagen production

  • Celery: a natural diuretic which will detoxify and flush your body of excess fluid, which means less puffiness and under eye bags

  • Raspberries: major boost in biotin

  • Plum: rich in antioxidants to help control acne and boost glow

  • Tomatoes: defend the skin from UV damage that causes wrinkles, brown spots, etc.

  • Zucchini: high in vitamins C + A for anti-aging, plus will assist in collagen production

  • Collard Greens: rich in chlorophyll to oxygenate the blood (glow) and detox the skin (beat acne)

  • Pineapple: boosts digestion while restoring the gut for better skin health

  • Coconut water: keep your skin cool and hydrated while de-bloating the body

What's your favorite summer beauty food?

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.

PSA: Stop Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach


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