10 Life Truths I Learned from Oprah

If you've been with me for a while, you know I'm a die-hard fan of Oprah's #1 New York Times Bestseller, The Wisdom of Sundays. The book is a collection of her favorite insights from the conversations of her Super Soul Sundays series (another favorite of mine. Oprah can do no wrong!), and includes snippets of interviews from some of the most inspiring religious figures, global leaders, and authors of the world. Since we don't all have time to read through bestsellers, I did the work for you and collected the most life-changing pieces of wisdom. Think of it like my curated collection of the best, out of Oprah's curated collection of the best. You get some wisdom, you get some wisdom, and you get some wisdom!

1. "Where is the soul? Between every thought, we have a little space…

That still presence that you feel, that's your soul. It was there when you were a baby, and it was there when you were a teenager. It's there now, and will be there tomorrow. If you get really in touch with it, if you become familiar with this center of awareness that you really are, you will see it's your ticket to freedom." -Deepak Chopra

2. "I don't think we realize that what follows 'I am,' we're inviting into our life…

You say, 'I'm tired," "I am frustrated," "I am lonely," you've invited that in... We have what we need to fulfill our destiny. But I do think that we have to bring it out. You can't bring it out being against yourself." -Paster Joel Osteen

3. "We sin when we have our loves out of order...

We all love a lot of things: family, money, affection, status. And we all know that some loves are higher. We know what our love of family is higher than our love of money, etc. So if we're lying to get money, we're putting our loves out of order. Sit down and say, 'What do I love? And in what order do I love them? Am I spending time on my highest love? Or am I spending time on a lower love?" -David Brooks

4. "You can't write a movie unless you know what the move is supposed to be about…

Sometimes we get so frustrated in our lives, but we have to go back and say, 'Wait a minute. Do I understand what the big idea of my life is supposed to be?' If my life is a story, than I have to know the point of the story." - Devon Franklin

5. "Those people who are fully awake see all the sunsets…

You drive your car, you see every flower. [Mindfulness] is the real thing that promotes happiness on its own. And then the things come as a result." -Russell Simmons

6. "You are causing the vast majority of your own problems, due to mental reactions…

So as life unfolds on a daily basis, you have the right to choose not to do that. You can still go to work, you can still take care of the kids, you just lean away from this mess that the mind is doing to amplify and overemphasize whatever's going on." - Michael Singer

7. "You're not attracting things to you. You’re radiating…

You're radiating from within, out. So if I become the vibrational frequency of love, harmony, peace, and I'm radiating that, it's going to show up in my life." -Michael Bernard Beckwith

8. "I believe everyone has a God-size hole inside of them that we try to fill with shopping or relationships or food or sex or drugs…

But it's not out there. It's in here. It's an internal connection. And that's what a spiritual practice, listening to your intuition, having a creative expression, being of service is all about. That is how you sustainably fill up your God-size hole. Otherwise, it's like a drop that's disconnected from the ocean." -Mastin Kipp

9. "Every time we are negative about someone else, we are actually affecting ourselves…

And the other thing that's important is every time you judge someone else, it's just a projection of your own self-judgment. Parts of ourselves we don't accept, or parts of ourselves we won't give permission to express. Whatever you focus on you get more of. So if I'm gossiping about someone, then I'm actually creating more negativity inside of me, and I'm not focusing on what I want." -Jack Canfield

10. "Self-improvement means that I'm going to be different than I am now…

But if the view changes to the belief that there's nothing wrong here, but things are obstructing me from fully feeling self-improved, well, then let's just look at those things and know them completely and utterly. Let's know our rage, let's know our fear, let's know our resentment. And by knowing it, you let some of that negative self-talk go. Then the fundamental thing is there. It's like the sun is always shining, but the clouds are obstructing it." -Pema Chödrön

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


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