A Master Esthetician's Secrets for Flawless Skin

*This post was written for Wellness By Josie by Emily Hwang, a Licensed Esthetician and Makeup Artist based in Columbus, Ohio. Book her services here and follow her on Instagram here.*

The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. It can be overwhelming and confusing to make decisions as a consumer about what is really worth the price or to know if the ingredients are safe. I wanted to share and break down 6 simple and timeless things we can do for our skin. In a world where we unconsciously are bombarded with beauty products and tips, these secrets are evergreen at any age.

1. Always Wash Your Face and Remove Makeup at Night

I know this is an easy one, but sometimes we get lazy. Please take the time to remove your makeup and wash with a skin type appropriate cleanser. Also, try doubling cleansing, which is simply removing your makeup with a balm cleansing or cleansing oil before cleansing with a wash. This ensures we remove all the impurities that clog pores, and also maximize our skincare serums and moisturizers so they can get to work.

2. Exfoliate 2-3 Times a Week

This is a must for everyone! Exfoliation is excellent for cell turnover to achieve glowy and radiant skin. Exfoliate if you want to visibly brighten your skin and boost your glow. The process simply removes the skin’s outer layer of dead cells, so its surface is smoother, clearer, and reflects light. Additionally, it allows your other skincare products to work effectively.

3. Use SPF Daily

A lot of people don’t think it is important to do this daily, but let me tell you, as an Esthetician, this pays off as we age. Sun-damage can cause a multitude of skin problems that accumulates overtime. Besides even the biggest concern of skin cancer, sun exposure can also call wrinkles, dullness, and hyper-pigmentation, just to name a a few. Wear SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from free radical damage and UVB/UVA rays, and yes, wear it daily (even if it's cloudy or winter time).

4. Drink Water and Take Vitamins

Dehydration can cause a ton of unpleasant symptoms like fatigue and digestive issues, just to name a couple. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men, and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women. It’s the key to youthful, plump and clear skin. Daily supplements are another great layer of protection to keep our skin youthful. Talk to your doctor and do some research to find out what vitamins and supplements would be the best type for you and your lifestyle.

5. Moisturize

Keep your skin moisturized! This is important for all skin types, even if you are oily or acne-prone skin. If you do get breakouts or have oily skin, keep it simple or choose a more advanced technology formula made for oily or acne-prone skin. Moisturizing constantly is major for keeping your skin supple, soft, and youthful.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Beauty sleep is real! Sleep deprivation can cause dark circles, puffiness, and dullness. Sleep is not only essential for well-rested skin, but for overall general health (which also leads to skin health). I always aim for 7-8 hours of sleep; it will pay off in your complexion, and will help with stress, anxiety, and mood as an added bonus.

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


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