How to Cultivate More Life Energy

Source: @sarashakeel

Today we’re talking about one of my favorite words that serves as a constant affirmation for me: verve. It’s known as a personality trait, but I consider it as another word for “life energy,” or the energy of being really, truly, and fully alive. Think: when you’re so passionate about what you’re working on that hours feel like seconds, or when you’re falling in love and normal life seems so exciting, you don’t even need sleep to feel energized. Maybe you’ve experienced it when listening to your favorite album that never gets old, or when you felt such a calling that even the big obstacles didn’t discourage you. Verve is that rare energy when we inexplicably trust our gut and our gifts–when we take every setback as a way to discover our deepest authenticity, and when we’re able to manifest a kind of zest and enjoyment of life that cannot be ignored or glanced over. Here’s how to cultivate more life energy (because every moment deserves to be full of verve!).

Verve (n):

  1. Enthusiasm or vigor, as in literary or artistic work; spirit

  2. Vivaciousness; liveliness; animation

1. Take risks

This one sounds so cliche I almost deleted it, but risk-taking is really just allowing yourself to work against cultural conditionings for what you truly want out of life. When we really truly look at “risks”–applying for the dream job we don’t think we’re qualified for, asking that person out for a drink, moving to the city we’ve always wanted to be–they’re not really risks at all, because it’s far riskier of what would happen if we don’t take them. So get rid of cultural conditionings and insecurity-based fears to get what you want out of life–or what some call take risks. Just do it, and wait for them to pay off.

2. Pay attention to small details and romanticize the mundane

TBH, this is the hardest one for me. I’ve always been in the mindset of “saving”–I save the good pasta sauce for special occasions for so long that it goes bad, I save the best for last (and sometimes never even get to the best), and I find comfort in structure like “no going out on weekdays to save money and time for the weekends.” But what a sad, un-verve like energy to live! When we’re “saving”–whether it’s your favorite dress for a special occasion, eventful plans for the weekend, or eating the cupcake from bottom to top to save the frosting for last–we’re telling ourselves that we don’t deserve verve in our lives now. Life energy is not something to save for the weekends or a special occasion; it’s living our best, biggest, happiest life just because it’s Tuesday or mid-afternoon, or an otherwise uneventual month. Save “saving” for the tangible things like putting away money for a dream vacation or house, but then make sure to set a date when it’s all happening. Otherwise, get out the fancy candlesticks and wear your favorite new shoes to a coffee shop on Wednesday.

3. Dress more like you

Verve is truly the only secret to “personal style”–find what is YOU and wear it, unapologetically, every day. Wear bright red, or head to toe white, or Annie Hall chic, or even a fancy dress for daytime, or wear the best pair of ripped jeans you have to a fancy restaurant. Verve is the only thing that separates the stylish from true fashion icons: People will want to recreate you, but no one can replace you. This is not a fashion tip (although you will have unlimited #OOTDs to post)–how we dress is one of the most essential ways to manifest our dream life because it’s the simplest way to change the environment, which changes our emotions, which then changes our actions.

4. Express your true self more

My biggest axe to grind with our society is that most of us adults still have middle school mentality. We grow up with the belief that we need to be like everyone else to fit in and be accepted, and we therefore learn to associate love and acceptance with likeness and normalcy. In truth, the root of love and acceptance is our uniqueness, and we love and accept ourselves not when other people affirm our existence, but when we whole heartedly act as we truly are. So start living your life from the standpoint of expressing your truth, not blending in to others’. I promise, this is the most powerful life hack that is the most overlooked. On social media, post your poems, paintings, humor, or favorite math problems instead of pictures of friends or attempted proof that your life is so much better than other people’s (I don’t care what your “thing” is, as long as you have one that’s truly yours).

5. Listen to how your body responds

Train yourself to constantly be on the lookout for the most ecstatic you by paying attention to how your body responds to life. Take note of what moves you to tears, what makes your hairs stand up, what makes your stomach flip, what makes your heart skip a beat. Your body knows what your soul wants–listen, and chase that physical response to life every day.

how do you cultivate verve in your life?


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