The Grocery List for When You’re Breaking Out

Source: Sakara (use code “XOJOSIE” for 20% off!)

Whether its a hormonal breakout around your period, exceptionally clogged pores after traveling or a stressful week, or that one rogue pesky pimple that just won’t pop, we all suffer from breakouts here and there. And when we feel a break out coming on, we’re all tempted to double up on exfoliating acids and drying spot treatments, or maybe you’re an amateur Dr. Pimple Popper and can’t resist squeezing a juicy whitehead (OK, too much?). But even the best topical treatments (and popping) can leave our skin inflamed, irritated, and red instead of clear, glowy, and flawless. The eyes are the window to the soul, but the skin is the window to the body: the gut directly affects the skin, and therefore what you eat affects the skin too. Below is my comprehensive grocery list to add to cart when you feel a breakout coming on that will help reduce inflammation, ease redness, and boost gut health for a clear, radiant, complexion.

  • Cucumbers: contain a high water content, and water helps your detoxification system by flushing toxins through the bladder and bowel movements (AKA toxins that can be causing breakouts). Cucumbers also contain inflammation-reducing compounds.

  • Green tea: is full of EGCG, a polyphenol that protects skin from damage (AKA pore-clogging air pollution) and soothes distress in the skin.

  • Pumpkin seeds: contain rich levels of zinc, which has been shown to be beneficial in treating and preventing acne because the mineral plays a crucial role in hormone levels and skin regulation

  • Spinach: dark leafy greens are high in vitamin A, which helps balance oil production in the skin and help with cell turnover to get rid of dead skin cells and minimize breakouts (popular skincare topical retinol is a form of vitamin A).

  • Kale: contains vitamin A like spinach, and is also high in vitamin C, which promotes collagen formation to repair acne scars and increase cell turnover to get rid of acne

  • Cinnamon: has antimicrobial properties, meaning it can kill (or stop the growth) of acne-causing bacteria.

  • Red grapes: are high in resveratrol, another polyphenol that calms the skin and boosts the skin’s barrier defense, as well as helping the skin hold onto hydration.

  • Flax or Chia seeds: contain omega-3 fatty acids which help the skin to reduce inflammation and also supports healthy skin cell membranes. Bonus: it also helps with oil regulation and protects the skin’s oil barrier so the skin doesn’t have to overproduce oil due to oil imbalance (AKA where breakouts come from)

  • Turmeric: is one of the most powerful inflammation-fighting medicines we have access to in our spice cabinet because of the high levels of curcumin.

  • Lemon juice: works as a natural astringent, which means it can help blur blemishes, increase collagen production, and fight acne-causing free radicals.

  • Papaya: contains a powerful digestive enzyme (papain) that can exfoliate dead skin cells, fade acne scars, and prevent breakouts. Papaya can also improve skin elasticity to reduce dehydration and wrinkles.

  • Sauerkraut or kimchi: anything that contains natural probiotics improve gut health, and skin is often a cause of poor gut health, bad gut bacteria, etc.

What are your favorite acne-fighting foods?


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