Wellness By Josie's Vitamin + Supplement Cheat Sheet

If you haven’t noticed, vitamins (yes, like what your mom used to give you in Flintstone Gummy form) are officially the new cool-girl trend. But how do we know what’s actually worth taking, versus the gimmicks that could actually be doing our bodies more harm than good, or just plain unnecessary. A trip down the supplement aisle of the local Whole Foods is enough to make anyone weak in the knees with an overabundance of options. So I'm taking out all of the guesswork to make it as easy as possible (just as keeping your body healthy should be).

Important disclosure before we get started: everyone has a different body and, therefore, different needs. Below, I've simply outlined suggestions and clarifications on supplements and their function in the body. While I personally experiment with (natural) supplements and I've worked with my doctor to put together a vitamin routine best for my body, your body does get everything it needs if you're eating enough whole, natural, organic foods, and taking care of yourself when it comes to stress management, relationships, and exercise. However, supplements can be a powerful way to get an additional boost in nutrients. Talk to your doctor about what vitamins are right for you and check out my personal recommendations:

What (Basically) Every Women Should Take Every Day:

MultivitaminThe goal here is to be getting enough of the antioxidant vitamins (Vitamins A, C, and E), because they fight free radical damage which might be the cause of premature aging and diseases that affect the brain, heart, eyes, and even skin. Look for vitamins with 100% of your daily dose of Vitamins B, C, E, and zinc (no more, and no less!). Take half of the dosage in the morning and half at night for maximum absorption.

Probiotics“Gut health” is certainly a buzzword, and the most crucial supplement for gut health is a probiotic. A probiotic contains multiple strains of the good bacteria that makes your gut digest and function properly (which helps get rid of the bad stuff you don’t want like that late night pizza, and absorb all the nutrients out of the good stuff like the salad you were so proud of yourself for making). Probiotics can help everything from bloating to acne to anxiety, so make sure you're getting a high quality vitamin and taking it on an empty stomach.

PrebioticsNot only do probiotics and prebiotics sound (confusingly) similar, but they're crucial for each other's functions. Prebiotics are a type of fiber that act as food for the good bacteria in your gut. Without enough prebiotics, probiotics cannot survive. Plus prebiotics can help you debloat and digest better (win, win, win!). Prebiotics occur naturally in foods like chicory root, dandelion greens, garlic, onions, bananas, and asparagus, but you can also supplement with a powder like inulin. Add to your coffee in the morning or a glass of water to take with your probiotic.

CalciumThough osteoporosis seems more like a concern for your grandma than for you, women actually start losing bone density in their twenties. What’s even scarier is that many women don’t get enough calcium, so basically, now’s the time to start focusing on your bone health. Foods like almonds, tofu, and spinach do pack some calcium, so talk to your doctor about whether or not a calcium vitamin would be beneficial for you. Look for a supplement with at least 600 mg, and take with 400mg of magnesium and 1,000 IU of Vitamin D for optimal absorption.  

What You Should Take When You’re Sick:

GarlicThe flavorful food that makes your pasta sauce delicious can be counted as a superfood for dozens of reasons, but it is especially beneficial for people who are fighting colds. It speeds up your body’s natural healing process (so say goodbye to that cold you seem to have all winter long), and minimizes cold-like symptoms like clogged or runny sinuses. It can be added to meals or taken in supplement form to ensure you’re getting enough or for an extra boost when you feel a cold coming on.

ZincMaybe you heard of this nutrient from your sunscreen bottle, but it’s also available in pill form, or even cough drops, to help fight your cold. The mineral protects cell membranes from toxins, working to reduce cold symptoms. Just make sure to take it with food (especially if recommended on the packaging), or else it can upset your stomach.

Vitamin C—Taking 1,000 milligrams a day of the immune-boosting vitamin can actually reduce the duration of the common cold. Vitamin C can also prevent common viruses, so start taking the dosage during periods of high stress or physical activity (like training for a 10k), when your immune system is down, because isn’t it always the case that we get sick at the time when we really cannot? Thanks to Vitamin C, not anymore.

What You Should Take For Optimal Beauty:

BiotinThis vitamin should be your go-to hair and nail helper, since it stimulates growth (and stronger growth). Just watch your brittle nails become tougher and your thinning hair grow back thicker.

CollagenIt’s the miracle ingredient our body naturally produces for cell-turnover, meaning it gets rid of dead skin cells, thickens hair, and even improves joint health. But our body may not be making enough of it, so adding as a supplement, like a powder for our smoothies, could completely transform skin, hair, nails, and bones/joints.

Omega-3 Fatty AcidsNot only does this super ingredient promote a healthy heart and reduce inflammation in the body, but it also promotes healthy skin, and strong hair and nails. Omega-3 Fatty Acids work by regulating cell membranes so they keep in the good nutrients, and block the bad from being absorbed by your body. You can find Omega-3's naturally in walnuts, flaxseeds, and seafood like tuna and salmon, but if you need an extra boost, opt for about 500mg in supplement form.

What You Should Take After Too Many Spicy Margaritas (it happens!):

ChlorophyllChlorophyll is the chemical in plants that give them their iconic green hue and also happens to be a natural detoxifier for the body. It helps liver detoxification (essential for hangovers) and detoxifies the digestive system, which in turn can also improve skin health. My number one secret to prevent hangovers: a glass of a water with a drop or two of chlorophyll before bed. I swear, my head hurts less and my skin doesn't break out.

Dandelion RootThe dandelion plant has been used for aiding in digestion and detoxing since ancient times, so with thousands of years to back it up, it might be worth a try. The root keeps the kidneys clean and has also been used as a natural and mild laxative to clean out the digestive system. It also helps to boost metabolism and balance out the good bacteria in your gut (a good friend for your probiotic). Steep a tea with the herb, or take it in pill form on occasion.

What You Should Take To Boost Your Mood:

MagnesiumThis crucial mineral can help everything from preventing migraines and aiding digestion, and yet many women in the US aren’t getting enough of it. It’s mostly known and used for calming nerves and anxiety in the long run, and is considered nature’s sleep aid because of it’s ability to relax the body. Just as an added bonus, magnesium can help you keep up a consistent poop schedule (who doesn't need that!?). Take in powder form in warm water or as a pill at night to reap in the benefits of nature’s sleep aid. Kiss your sleeping pills goodbye!  

Vitamin DThis essential vitamin is crucial for bone health, brain function, and preventing hormone imbalance (goodbye PMS!) as it mimics a hormone when its inside the body. However, the risk for vitamin D deficiencies is rapidly increasing since fewer people get enough exposure to the sun (our main source of the vitamin). Think about it: seasonal depression is caused because people are getting less vitamin D during winter. There's a huge connection between anxiety + depression and the essential vitamin. Unless you live in Hawaii or don’t wear sunscreen (which you should not be doing anyways…listen to your mother!), pretty much everyone can afford to take a supplementation.

Turmericyou may have heard of the spice as the ancient secret for fighting inflammation, that has been medicinally used for centuries to help with everything from arthritis to broken bones. But did you know it’s also been used to treat depression and anxiety because it boosts levels of serotonin and dopamine? Add the spice to any dish or smoothie, or take it in supplement form to make sure you’re getting enough (or join your favorite bloggers and DIY a Turmeric Latte). Just make sure you find a supplement with black pepper for optimal absorption.

Coenzyme Q10Say goodbye to your coffee addiction, once and for all! Coenzyme Q10 (otherwise known as CoQ10 on vitamin bottles) is an antioxidant found in cells that is necessary for their function. It’s crucial for energy production and keeping us going through the hardest workouts and busiest days. Our bodies naturally produce this enzyme, but our natural ability to produce it decreases with age, so taking it in vitamin form might be crucial for your energy supply.

Tips to Remember When Establishing a Vitamin Routine:

  • Do your own research! Always get your information from credible sources and talk to your doctor about what's best for you. While most vitamins and supplements are naturally found in the body (and therefore safe to take), this doesn't mean they're without any possible side effects. Plus, some vitamins (like fat-soluble A, D, E, and K) can build up to dangerous levels if taken too much.

  • Food is medicine. Get as much nutrients as you can from the food you eat before you consider taking additional supplementation, and eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in every color of the rainbow.

  • One person's nourishment is another person's poison: just because a certain supplement or vitamin makes a big difference in someone else, does not mean it will necessarily affect your body the same way.

  • Base vitamin routine off of blood work: your doctor will be able test for deficiencies (or too-high levels) and may test for specific nutrients (i.e. iron if you follow a vegetarian diet, or thyroid if you have thyroid-related symptoms).

  • Use your intuition. There's no such thing as a "magic pill" or a "cure-all," or else everyone would swear by it. Focus on what's best for your body and stop if something is not making you feel better.

What vitamins or supplements have you found makes a huge difference in your health?

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


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