My (Super Detailed) Morning Routine

Hey fam (Do you hate that I just called you “fam?”). I have an obsession with morning routines that slightly hinges on unhealthy. Like, I want to know everyone’s morning routine. Whether you’re a CEO, wellness blogger, or doctor, be prepared for me to ask about your morning routine. But I think this obsession at least has merit. After all, how we spend the first part of our day dictates the rest of it. What we think about, act like, and do for the first hour after we wake up directly affects what we think about, act like, and do for the rest of our days. And days add up to weeks, weeks add up to months, and months add up to years. In other words? A morning routine can be the single most important ritual that changes your life. 

In my morning routine obsession, I’ve tested a lot of different routines, practices, and rituals, and I’m going to share the ones that work for me. Just an important PSA: Every morning does not always go like this. In fact, I almost always skip or don’t get to at least a few things on the list. This is an ideal day when all the stars align, and I think it’s OK to not check every box on the list (because then something that was meant to be mindful becomes mindless). I love these practices, but more importantly, I check in with myself every morning to identify how to best care for myself. Sometimes, I’ll be honest, that does look like rolling out of bed, brushing my teeth, and opening my laptop for work. But most days, I try to spend at least my first 30-60 minutes of every day setting myself up for true success, energy, and showing up for the rest of the world. Read on for my typical morning routine to get inspo for yourself:


I wake up around this time because I use the Sleep Cycle app, which wakes me up during my lightest REM cycle, so it’s easier for me to wake up. It’s also a calming, gentle sound–I absolutely do not believe using the iPhone alarms or even your favorite song, as waking up to any type of noise raises cortisol first thing in the morning. The Sleep Cycle bells start off quietly and get louder so it’s a gradual wake-up instead of jolting you awake (thanks, but no thanks). I always try to have a brief moment to hug and kiss my dog and boyfriend (an oxytocin release first thing in the AM!), and then quickly set an intention for the day or what I want my ideal day to look like.


Light first thing (always! Sunlight stops melatonin production to wake you up). I open the curtains before changing into a workout outfit (I always dress ready for a workout so I can fit it in when I can during the day).


I brush my teeth and tongue scrape first, and then start sipping on the water I placed next to my bed the night before to start rehydrating. Next, I do skincare, which means first gently wiping with a wet washcloth. I don’t like to wash with face wash in the morning because I think it dries out my skin and is unnecessary, so I just use water to take off any lasting product from the night before and start with a clean slate. I like a washcloth because it gently exfoliates. Next is a brightening toner (like with acids to chemically exfoliate), 1-2 serums (for hydration), an eye cream and a lotion. Finally, I pat on an oil and SPF on top. I frequently share specific products on Instagram but won’t share here because I’m honestly changing the products I use constantly to test out different brands.


Take Louie outside for a quick walk while listening to a podcast. Getting outside (even when it’s cold!) has been a huge game-changer for my energy levels. I feel like being outside is better than coffee for waking you up, and I feel so much more connected and grounded. I look forward to this time because I listen to podcasts, which motivates me and inspires me for the day. I also make sure to walk Louie on grass sections instead of the sidewalk so he reaps some grounding benefits. In an ideal world, I would walk around barefoot and would ground too but alas.


I’ve already been sipping on water a little bit, but at this point I get a fresh bottle or glass and add some chlorophyll, lemon, or a packet of Omni-Biotic to get my probiotics in. If I’m cold (which I usually am), I will also make a decaffeinated tea like a peppermint, ginger tea, or red raspberry leaf tea to hydrate in a way that feels more tempting than room-temp water and to squeeze in some extra nutrients and digestive support.


I would like to give more time to journaling and meditation in the mornings so I’m working on getting up earlier. However, I know the most important thing is to give my body sleep and let myself enjoy my nights, so right now I get about 10 minutes to breathe. Depending on what I need, everyday this looks different, but I’ve been loving different kinds of journaling. I will either journal “How would my highest self show up today?” or “What are two thoughts I no longer want to think?” (courtesy of Dr. Joe Dispenza), or if I’m feeling creative, I will journal with gratitude as my future self (like writing about how I show up for work, as my highest self, how I treat other people as my highest self, what I’m grateful for as my highest self, etc.), which are really beneficial manifestation techniques. 


I start my workday by writing out my schedule and to-do list, and then checking emails, Slack, and messages from clients. This order is important to me because I like the idea of knowing what I need from the day before responding to what other people need from me. I am my most productive in the early morning and can waver productivity in the evenings, so I like to get started early. 


Around when I start working, I’ll also take my vitamins for the day. Ritual is my go-to multivitamin (use code JOSIE20 for a discount!), and I’ll take Omni-Biotic around this time if I haven’t already. 


I let my hunger cues tell me when I’m ready for breakfast. Some days, I’m starving by 8:30am, and other days I don’t think about food until 10am. I try to wait at least 12 hours since dinner the night before, but otherwise, I eat whenever I’m hungry. I like to start with a celery juice to help clear skin, boost energy, and start digestion. Lately, I’ve been loving chia seed pudding or coconut yogurt with fruit and nut butter. If I feel like I need a more grounding, warm, or hearty meal, I’ll opt for oatmeal with superfoods like flaxseeds, goji berries, cacao nibs, and raw honey. If I want a warm drink but don’t want coffee yet (more on that below), I’ll make a Cacao latte with Sakara’s metabolism powder (use code XOJOSIE for 20% off!) in hot water. 


After I eat breakfast, I’ll make a coffee (better for hormonal balance if you’re not drinking caffeine on an empty stomach) using a Nespresso pod, frothed almond milk (I like Malk) vitamin D drops, and of course ceylon cinnamon on top (high in antioxidants and can help reduce negative effects on caffeine).




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