A Wellness CEO's Morning Routine

Leah Nierman is a health coach and the CEO + founder of one of my personal wellness brands, Moodygirl Chocolate. Since she has dedicated her life and career to helping other women express their true sense of self and nourish their bodies with superfoods that feed the soul, you can bet her morning routine is good. Get some tips for your own routine like non-toxic skincare, setting intentions, and alternating workouts. Read on for Leah's total morning routine.

6:00am: As soon as I wake up, the first step is hydration. I love Hydroflax, so I fill up my water bottle the night before and add lemon, ginger, cucumbers, mint or whatever I can find in the fridge. The best part is that it’s still ice cold in the morning!

6:00-6:15am: Next up is my skincare routine. I use organic and all-natural products down to my makeup, so my morning routine consists of Kopari deodorant, and Eminence face wash and lotion. As the last step, for the last 10 years I have been using Jane Iredale for all of my makeup–she is as clean as it gets.

6:15-6:30am: I love to wake up with natural light and be surrounded by nature because getting outside for a walk helps to ground me and start my day. Instead of thinking of the million things I have to do, I set 3-5 intentions. This sets me up for success and helps me to stay focused throughout the day because I come back to those intentions when I feel distracted.

6:30-7:30: For a workout, I will either run or lift weights. I like to alternate and change things up by listening to my body and what I am craving. Some days it's running, other days it's yoga or weight lifting. No matter what, I make sure to get in 20-30 minutes of exercise every day, even if it's walking while taking a business phone call. I try to work smart!

7:30-8:00am: I love nothing more than having something exciting to drink while starting my work day. I'm currently obsessed with a superfood Pumpkin Spice Latte using Moodygirl Chocolate. It brightens my whole day!

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


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