The Top 10 Best Superfoods in the World

(and 15 Other Things I Learned from a Longevity Expert)

I love the word "longevity" because it isn't just about how long we live, but about how long we live. What's the difference? A man who lives to be 100 years old in a nursing home after years of suffering from dementia and being hooked up to a feeding tube is very different than a fisherman in Greece who lives to be 97 years old and fished, laughed, drank wine, and carried his great grandchildren until the morning he died. Health is not just about avoiding disease long enough, but about truly living a long and happy life. So when I heard of such a thing as a "longevity expert," I knew I had to learn everything I can from him.

David Wolfe is known as the Indiana Jones of superfoods (no, really), and is a longevity expert sought out by celebrities, top CEOs, and athletes (because everybody wants the secret to a long life). I was lucky enough to attend a lecture from him, and let me tell you: I could listen to him speak for hours. So of course, I had to soak up all the tips, tricks, and hacks I could to relay them to you, my lovely clients and readers who deserve to make the most of this one life. Read on for 15 things I learned from Wolfe, as well as the top 10 superfoods in the world that you can start adding to your diet today:

1. 77,000+ chemicals have been introduced to the food industry since the 1940s.

Sure, you know to avoid things like Oreos, Cheetos, and Diet Coke, but anything processed in a factory (whether it's a "healthy" salad dressing, a vegan yogurt, or even ketchup) can contain thousands of chemicals that are not even disclosed on the label. Shop brands that you trust (or check out my Instagram highlights for brands I like) and opt for mostly whole, unprocessed foods.

2. You can feel an immediate difference from what you eat when you get rid of the B.S.

You already know this if you're a client of mine and have included more plants in your diet–plants provide an immediate difference. But furthermore, the most drastic changes come when you get rid of the toxins, sugars, and chemicals in other foods. Wolfe once ate only blueberries for four days as an experiment, and his eye sight got crazy good just in a few days (like, superhero-level good).

3. Cruciferous vegetables teach your body how to drive out toxins

Find out if your body takes them better cooked or raw, because every body is different (more on that below!)

4. Aloe Vera is the secret to beauty

While you can find it in powdered form in certain supplements or in aloe vera juice (which typically contains a lot of added sugar) the best way to get it is to buy or grow an aloe vera leaf yourself (surprisingly easy!), cut it open, and scrape the aloe vera into smoothies or eat plain.

5. If you have any kind of infections, disease, or illness, do not have sugar. Period.

I never, ever come from the position of what to cut out, as I know it leads to cravings, bingeing, overeating, and an unhealthy relationship with food. However, I think it's also important you know the effects of what you're putting in your body. Wolfe explains that sugar is an amplifier and catalyst for any disease in the body. If you're dealing with anything from PCOS to a common cold to depression to cancer, the best thing you could do is avoid sugar altogether.

6. Opt for superherbs

Try: reishi mushroom, chaga, lion's mane, ginseng, astragulus, ashwagandha, asparagus root, holy basil/tulsi, nettles-horsetail, and chamomile/passion flower.

7. Be aware of the type of water you drink

Sure drinking water is crucial, but not all water is created equal (and using a filter is not always the answer). Find out how nature does water: the most unprocessed, unchanged is the best for us. For more information, Zac Efron did an amazing episode on this.

8. Whole grains are actually part of the grass family, which means they should be eaten raw

Eating any type of grass is best raw. Experiment with uncooked quinoa or millet on salads for an extra crunch (and try soaking them first for better digestion).

9. Nuts and seeds are acidic, so eat with alkaline veggies and herbs

Alkaline veggies and herbs include: sweet potato, beets, radishes, turnips, parsley, mint, carrots, and leafy greens

10. Blending can increase antioxidants

Smoothie lovers, rejoice! Also try blending sauces, dressings, dips (like hummus), and soups for a creamer consistency and an increase of antioxidants.

11. Eat live foods (AKA foods directly from the earth)

Live food (raw veggies and fruits) contains enzymes that act as a catalyst for detoxification and absorption of nutrients. As a good rule of thumb, cook the vegetables that your body doesn't digest well raw (which might be Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onion, etc.), but make sure to still eat raw foods with every meal.

12. Leafy greens are king

They're the best sources of alkaline minerals, contain the best kind of fiber, and have anti-stress properties (not to mention they're the best source of chlorophyll, which is crucial for health)

13. The body adapts to cooked foods

When the body eats cooked foods, it must increase the enzyme content of saliva because raw foods contain their own enzymes that are cooked off when heated. This is a good thing because the body learns to produce more digestive enzymes itself, but also requires a balance of raw foods so it's not overproducing enzymes on its own.

14. Always go organic

Besides containing far less heavy metal residue, organic produce has two times more mineral content of commercial produce–talk about the biggest bang for your buck.

15. Superfoods are a must

Superfoods (like the ones listed below) have a variety of benefits, but they all increase vital force and energy, boost the immune system, elevate serotonin production for a better mood, enhance sexuality, naturally cleanse and detox the body, lower inflammation, and alkalize the body.

Top Ten Superfoods in the World:

  1. Cacao: the highest antioxidant content of any superfood–look for raw chocolate, cacao nibs, or raw cacao powder

  2. Goji berries: anti-aging and anti-cancer properties, and also good for reproductive health–sprinkle on salads, granola, or organic yogurt parfaits

  3. Maca: increases energy, libido, and fertility, while also being in high in fiber and protein–add to smoothies, oatmeal, and baked goods

  4. Hemp: one of the greatest, healthiest forms of protein–look for raw hemp, like raw hemp seeds, and sprinkle over salads, smoothies, etc.

  5. Spirulina/AFA Blue-Green Algae: a perfect, complete protein and high in phytonutrients–find in organic powder form and add to anything

  6. Bee Products (honey, pollen, and propolis): reduces inflammation in the body and contributes to longevity–look for raw and organic options which will also contain good-for-the-gut prebiotics and buy local, which will help with allergies

  7. Camu Camu Berry: the highest available source of vitamin C: reduces inflammation, extremely balances the immune system, etc.–find in organic supplements or powdered form

  8. Sea Vegetables (like kelp, dulse, or nori): high in iodine, magnesium, etc. for optimal thyroid and hormone function–DIY vegetable sushi rolls with nori sheets, use kelp salt instead of regular salt, or had dulse to soups

  9. Medicinal Mushrooms: stops cancer cells and reduces any inflammatory diseases in the body, and is so powerful for the immune system that Wolfe swears he hasn't been sick in 10+ years because of them–try chaga mushrooms, which is the most powerful anti-cancer on earth

  10. Additional Superfoods to Check Out: MSM, digestive enzymes, MegaHydrate, Krill Oil

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