How a Wellness Blogger Lives Well While at Home

So guys, we all are dealing with this stay-at-home thing differently. Some of us are tie-dying every ribbed tank and sweatsuit in sight, some of us have meditative-journaled our way through our anxiety and stress-baked 20 loaves of sourdough, while others have not left the couch in two months (because the only way to watch Outer Banks, Tiger King, and Hollywood are in long binge sessions). While I wrote about what practices are keeping me sane while our world goes through a global pandemic, I'm also interested in how other people are staying healthy and happy while at home, and I'm sure you are too (because ya know, the whole world doesn't revolve around me, as much as I like to think it does).

I connected with Courtney Devanna, creator of Well and Gray, a blog and brand dedicated to helping you live well, over Instagram, and have been obsessing over her gorgeous pictures and love of all things fresh fruits and veggies (we're obviously one in the same). Without further ado, please welcome Courtney to Wellness By Josie and enjoy the 7 tips helping her live well while at home:

1. Creating and sticking to a morning routine

For me, it is so important to stick to some sort of routine; it sets the tone for my day and allows me to feel some sense of control. I find that I can better focus on what is in front of me, and where to prioritize my time when I am starting the day fresh and productive, right off the bat. The first thing I do every morning is drink warm water (non-negotiable). It’s a great way to quickly rehydrate after sleeping for 8 hours (hopefully we’re all getting close to that 8-hour mark) and it helps flush out toxins in the body. I also try to get some movement in in the morning. This is not necessarily my official workout for the day, but I feel accomplished if I am able to get some steps in or some stretching. I even try to dance for 15 minutes in the morning before I log on for work. It keeps me energized and ready for the morning and pump up tunes is a great way to start my day with some positivity (disclaimer: I love dancing and I’m sure I look all kinds of awkward going crazy in my small living room). Additionally, even though I have no idea if I’m doing it 100% correctly, I jade roll my face every morning after cleansing, using my oils and serums to depuff and look somewhat freshened up (especially now on Zoom calls!). After that, I have breakfast and a cup of black coffee, and I’m ready to go.

2. Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

When I commuted into the city (I live on Long Island but work in NYC), I often meditated before my commute, or even on the train. I am a ball of anxiety, and I'm constantly practicing meditation and mindfulness throughout my day. However, lately I’ve found that breathwork during the day has been the perfect break; a few deep breaths center me and reenergizes me. For meditation, I use the Calm app because I love the background sound of rain (getting real in the weeds for you all), but have also used Headspace before and it really helps (I do miss that accent!) If I’m really having a day and I don’t want to break away for a 10-minute session, I breathe in for 4 seconds (DEEP BREATHS), hold for 4, exhale for 4. Try it, it really helps!

3. Establishing a dedicated workspace and keeping it tidy

Keeping my home and workspace clean (especially now that we are home ALL the time) is so important. I find it helps boost productivity and spark creativity when my space is organized. In that same vein, I aim to light a nice, scented candle and have some music playing in the background to really keep me energized.

4. Scheduling breaks

I try to take breaks throughout the day and will literally schedule it on my calendar and mark it on my to-do list. That means just getting up to walk around a little bit, eating lunch away from my computer so I can truly disconnect or carving out 5-10 minutes to clean my space–small tasks that will make me feel better throughout the day and give me less to do at night.

5. Snacking as healthy as possible:

Healthy, filling snacks keep me full throughout the day by including a protein and healthy fat. Sometimes this looks like sweet potato with PB and fruit, chia seed pudding with berries, or an avocado drizzled with olive oil and sea salt. This doesn’t always go according to plan though. Sometimes I need cheese and crackers (I love Simple Mills crackers and I just got this honey lavender cheese from Our Harvest...I’m drooling thinking about it). I also grab a few dark chocolate chips if I need something sweet.

6. Connecting with my loved ones, and myself

Now, more than ever, this feeling of connectivity is so important to me. On a personal level, I try to connect with my family members every day, even if it’s a small check-in. We have tried HouseParty (I’m still trying to figure that out) for games and Zoom calls. During dinner, my boyfriend and I share our daily highlights and low lights. I find it super important to acknowledge my feelings and accept them, versus downplaying them. Also, while a constant struggle, I try to be patient with myself because I have a range of emotions at every point in the day.

Also, I find it really grounding to connect with nature in some way. I try to have my windows open or, if it's decent out, I will take a walk around the block (safely!), or even just sit outside.

7. Practicing gratitude

This looks different everyday and it goes back to how I am feeling at the moment. Sometimes I will start my day off with 3 things I am grateful for to set the tone, but more times than not, I will try and finish my day with 3 things that made me feel grateful that day (and they don’t have to be the big things). I find if I wind down with some gratitude at night, I am looking for happiness and things to be grateful for throughout the day. Plus, wine with a side of gratitude is a great way to finish the day.

I hope you found this helpful! Please feel free to visit, and check out my new series “What the Well is Going on?” where others who are passionate about health and wellness are also sharing their tips for living well during this uneasy time. Stay safe, stay well, and remember, we’re all in this together.

Pssttt before you go! Check out Josie's interview on (you know you want to)...

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.

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