Classic Sunday Brunch


  • 1-2 eggs

  • crumbled feta

  • 1 cup of mixed greens

  • 1 sprinkle of microgreens

  • 1/2 white potato

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 tsp of ghee

  • lemon juice

  • paprika

  • turmeric

  • garlic powder

  • Himalayan salt

  • cracked black pepper

  • organic sriracha, buffalo sauce, or salsa (for dipping)


First thing's first: why are we all so afraid of potatoes? Sure, it's a carb, but it's a carb that comes from the earth; our bodies are made to eat them. In an effort to rebrand the white potato, they're full of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C. The choline that's found in white potatoes can help with mood, memory, and reducing inflammation, while the fiber helps aid digestion and vitamin C helps boost collagen in the skin.

Now that that's out of the way, scrub the potato and cut it in whichever style you like best (cubed for breakfast potatoes, long for fries, or thinly sliced for hashbrowns). Place potatoes in an ice bath for about 20 minutes (to remove extra starch and make them extra crispy). Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a medium skillet. Dry off potatoes and place them in the skillet on high to medium to heat and let cook until brown and crispy (stirring or flipping occasionally). Place a lid on the pan for softer potatoes, and add garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper. Meanwhile, mix a dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, and turmeric. Pour over greens and mix your salad. In a smaller pan, heat ghee over medium heat and crack 1-2 eggs into the pan. Let sit until desired finish and then flip. Add crumbled feta cheese on top and wait to melt. When finished, place cheesy eggs on the salad and scoop potatoes onto plate. Serve with dipping sauce of choice and extra salt and pepper (don't forget the prosecco, or else you're not doing brunch right).

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.

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