A Love Letter to Chlorophyll

If leafy greens are superfoods (and they are), chlorophyll is their superpower (and it is). The crucial ingredient is what gives plants their iconic green hue, but it's also quite literally the life-force of plants. Let me explain: the molecular makeup of chlorophyll in plants is extremely similar to red blood cells in humans. Not only does chlorophyll serve one of the many reminders how one-in-the-same we are with nature and the ecosystem (have you ever compared fingerprints with rings on a tree trunk?), but the life-force it gives to plants also serves as a life-force for the human body.

Benefits of Chlorophyll

The physical green pigment is what traps sunlight and converts carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose, AKA the two compounds that are crucial for optimal functioning of every single cell in the body. Therefore, chlorophyll has high anti-inflammatory properties (that includes inflammation on the skin like acne and rosacea) and can help to improve quality of red blood cells. "Detox" is a trendy word used in everything from juice cleanses to scalp scrubs, but chlorophyll actually has purifying qualities that aid in the body's natural detoxification process. Plus, more oxygen in the blood means more balanced pH levels in the body. I told you it was a powerful life-force! Not to mention liquid chlorophyll can help boost energy, support the immune system, and even can cure altitude sickness.

How to Get More Chlorophyll

There are a few ways to get more chlorophyll into your body. The most obvious, of course, is to eat more leafy greens (which should always be a goal, anyway). Aim for a couple of servings with every meal, even if it means a green juice with breakfast or ordering a side salad with your sushi takeout. Also, be mindful about getting a variety of leafy greens, and eating organic as much as possible (bonus health points for growing your own or buying from local farmers). Don't just opt for basic spinach and kale; stock up on collard greens, dandelion greens, microgreens, or watercress.

Food as medicine is always approach #1, but I also have to factor in busy, modern lifestyles that don't always allow us the time or resources to access the best, freshest, and most abundant plants possible. Enter: liquid chlorophyll. Consuming pure liquid chlorophyll (in addition to leafy greens) can help naturally stimulate the organs for gentle detoxification and amplify oxygen supply to the tissues. There's a reason it's my go-to acne cure!

PS–it also just so happens to be my favorite hangover hack. Have a glass of chlorophyll water before bed after a few glasses of wine, and I swear you'll feel like a brand new person the next day (except there was one time after St. Patrick's Day in college when I had a lot more than wine and tried to "cure" my hangover with chlorophyll, but instead just threw up green all day, but at least it was festive right? Anyways, that was TMI so back to the health stuff). I like to have have a few drops in a glass of water after dinner, but the key is finding where you can fit in a little extra chlorophyll and its powerful, oxygenating life-force.

Order My Favorite Liquid Chlorophyll:

1. Sakara Detox Water Drops

2. World Organics Chlorophyll Supplement

3. Benevolent Nourishment Liquid Drops

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


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