23 Forgotten Truths That Have Completely Changed My Life

1. Happiness is a skill, not a circumstance.

2. The secret to confidence is not to like yourself or believe in yourself, but to be honest with yourself. Develop self-trust by doing what you say you're going to do. Confidence means building a reputation with yourself by making promises that you keep.

3. Never use the word "try." If you're "trying" to do something instead of just "doing" it, you're automatically giving yourself the option to fail.

4. Time is a currency to be invested, not spent.

5. Being nice is the most powerful life hack, and yet the most overlooked. Learn to be really, truly kind and it will be the most important tool in your toolbox.

6. Complaints have no magic. Allow your language to be a part of what makes the world better.

7. Have the courage to voice when something doesn't feel right, and the courage to fully commit when it does.

8. Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was.

9. (Literally) love the hell out of people. Love them until all the hell is out. There's no harm in seeing only the good in someone, and they'll always act better because of it.

10. Have something to talk about that isn't other people and your judgments of them.

11. Whatever we put into the world is always what we get back. If you want more money, give it to people who need it; if you want more love, give it to people who need it.

12. How you look is not an accomplishment.

13. Ask questions about other people 75% more often than you make statements about yourself.

14. Your purpose is just to become more of who you are.

15. To find only beauty in the people you love is a form of art.

16. "Charm" is the ability to make the other person think that both of you are wonderful. To be liked, make another person feel likable.

17. As women, what truly makes us feel fulfilled is loving. You cannot live a satisfied life if you don't think at the end of every day what relationships did you tend to today and how can you give more love tomorrow.

18. Be the kind of person that no matter where you are, you feel like you belong.

19. Trade your expectation for appreciation.

20. You'll know you've found your life's calling because every cell in your body will vibrate with your own truth. You'll be filled up and energized instead of drained when you're living in alignment.

21. If you're feeling tired, it's because you haven't done enough that sparks light in you.

22. Be an author, not a critic. If you're tempted to say something negative, create what you'd do differently instead of critiquing someone else's creation.

23. Measure success in all areas of your life (career, health, relationships, self-care), by the amount of fun you're having.

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Kelly Etz

Kelly Etz is a graphic designer, writer, and fisherman sweater enthusiast based in Chicago. She gets her best work done after 1am and spends too much money on fancy shampoo.


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